Mother Jones On Randy Best, Reading First, and Education Profiteering
A really nice piece that offers the case of Bush Pioneer, Randy Best, as the quintessential education profiteer among an illustrious collection of slime bag snakeoil salesmen and ideological pitch men...
View ArticleArne Duncan, Randy Best, and the Profitizing of Teacher Education
“ If there was any piece of legislation that I could pass it would be to blow up colleges of education.” — Reid Lyon, Chief, Child Development and Behavior Branch, National Institute of Child Health...
View ArticleStudents at U Toledo Strike Back: Call for President Jacobs to Resign
Since the Inside Higher Ed piece appeared last week, University of Toledo students have begun to organize the fight the selling off of the UT’s College of Education to Randy Best’s diploma mill, the...
View ArticleBest’s Higher Ed Holdings Withdraws from U of Toledo
Congratulations to all those at the University of Toledo who believed in quality public higher education enough to act quickly against the pedagogical fundamentalists, testocrats, and education...
View ArticleOne Word of Advice for UToledo’s College of Education: Plastics, Plastics,...
Recently Randy Best’s Higher Ed Holdings was outed during backroom deals to buy the University of Toledo’s college of education so that Best Associates could glom on to another accredited school in...
View ArticleArkansas State Takes the Randy Best Diploma Mill Route for Teacher Preparation
Best Associates has a strong commitment to the education industry and a track record of exceptional results. The market is huge, with the U.S. spending more than $700 billion annually. –Best Associates...
View ArticleJeb Bush and Randy Best Team to Promote College Caste System
Randy Best and the Bush Family have a long and profitable history to celebrate during this Holiday Season. Best has been a longtime supporter of the Bush political dynasty in Texas, and the Bushes...
View ArticleWhy TEAC (CAEP) Accreditation Means Less than Zero
In May TEAC provided the for- profit American College of Education (ACE) the official stamp of approval to prey on the poor and the unsuspecting who want to be teachers. ACE has a sordid history of...
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